Authentic Christ Sharing Relationships
Volunteer with Purpose
YFC believes in Authentic Christ Sharing Relationships. Those are Relationships where transparency on how we live out God's word as we build into each other. An Essential part of 3 Story Evangelism, where we are continuing to learn God's story and share God's story and My Story with Their Story, our friends. God's given each of us a purpose to share Him with others, but we may not feel like we are worthy or know enough to do it. Below Bill Eakin encourages us to be an Authentic Christ Sharing Friend and don't listen to the enemies lies that we are not worthy of Christ and service to Him.
Bridging the Generation Gap
By Bill Eakin
Central Indiana Youth for Christ
How long can you maintain a ministry to young people? When you have been around the ministry for several years, it can be easy to convince yourself that there is no future for you in youth ministry.
The ENEMY will tell you that you are too old, you can’t relate anymore, or you are just too tired to go on. It is easy to lose sight of your self-worth, your value to ministry and the Lord.
For almost 53 years, I have had the privilege of working with kids on a full-time basis. I still minister to about 100 kids a week. The excitement, enthusiasm and love for kids are still there.
I would like to share with you why there is a great ministry for you and me, regardless of our age.
God’s Faithfulness
I Thessalonians 5:24 tells us that because He calls us to the ministry, He is faithful to make it happen. Our effectiveness is not based on how young or old we are, but His faithfulness to our calling to Him. For me, that is the bottom line.
Our Perseverance
Philippians 1:6 is a constant reminder that what God begins in us, He completes. It requires tenacity and perseverance. Hanging in there is the name of the game. I Corinthians 15:58 is my “can do” verse. How about you?
Our Motivation
What motivates us to keep at it, even though it never seems to get easier? II Corinthians 5:14 is the key. The love of Christ is the spring of our actions. It is the driving force to serve kids and bring them to Christ. His love for them is revealed through us.
Our Initiative
We must be willing to continuously pay the price to be with young people. If we are to understand their culture, their lifestyle and their needs, we must be directly involved with them on a continuing basis.
Most people drop out of the ministry because they do not spend time with kids on their turf. I’m 72 and I still meet kids on their turf. It makes the difference. Being with young people keeps you fresh and young!
My model for hanging tough for the Lord is Caleb (Joshua 14:10-11). Because of his faithfulness at the age of 85, the Lord gave Caleb the vigor he enjoyed at 40 years of age. I claim from God that same promise for you and me!
(At the time of writing this) For 53 years, Bill Eakin has been in “hands-on” ministry with teenagers. He began with YFC in Ohio. He also pioneered Youth for Christ in New York City before moving to Indiana, where he currently directs the high school ministry and staff training.
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A Servant of Jesus, Bill Eakin
66 Year Legacy with Youth for Christ
Bill Eakin truly showed Jesus to all he encountered. It was our Honor to have served in ministry along side of Him. The Flier on the side is from when Bill Came to Detroit to speak to teens in October of 1963. Bill dedicated his Life to impact teens and leaders around the world.
Bill Eakin 60 Years Service Youth for Christ (YFC)
Serving the Lord
Don't let anyone look down upon you because of your age
Hear from Bill Eakin and some of those who were impacted by his ministry with YFC.